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Jumat, 11 Februari 2011

Sekali Kayuh 2' Pulau' Dimiliki-- TapinRadio--

Anda punya radio streaming station favorit?? Seberapa sering Anda menyimaknya? Saya punya dan saya berpikir [waktu itu], sayang kalau acara yang kita dengar berlalu begitu saja selepas kita mendengarkannya. Kemarin, saya menemukan cara menyelesaikan permasalahan itu.
TapinRadio is now available.
Another fine radio player has come to town – we don’t want to scream about it and we are fairly sure it’s not the best;). But it is free and pretty cool so we really hope you enjoy it.
Apa saja fitur yang disuguhkan melalui software ini ?
TapinRadio is simple, reliable and just works.
Main features are:
* Plenty of stations to choose from
* Supports most of the internet radio formats – mp3, wma, ogg vorbis, aac+ and so on
* Quick and reliable search
* Smooth switching between stations
* Record what you are listening to – including separate song files
* Automatic checking for software and stations
* Runs on Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit)
* Show your favorites in groups
* Sleep timer to shutdown TapinRadio or even your computer!
All completely free.
Bro & Sist bisa dapatkan di sini, free tersedia juga portable version
Cara Kerja:
Setelah kita download, install, koneksi internet sudah ok, tinggal kita masukan alamat radio streaming [pakai angka], live streaming sekaligus bisa taping[merekeam]. Hasil berupa file .mp3
Simpel bukan?? its free, thanks to developer.

contoh : input address [contoh untuk Radippengajian[dot]com

ke folder hasil taping ----
Kualitas Taping?? Saya mau dengar komentar Anda

Bagaimana? Tertarik Mencoba?? JANGAN RAGU. Saya sarankan bagi info ini ke rekan dekat

Salam :)[jumuah Mubarak]

2 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

Trust me, it's works...#bergayaiklanL-men

Asep W. mengatakan...

exactly .. .:: jabattangan

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